Advanced Cubeshape (Brandon Lin)

I took notes last night from Brandon Lin's Advanced CubeShape Tutorial

I remember being too lazy to watch all 15 minutes, so I took handwritten notes so I wont have to rewatch it. Yes, I am lazy.

I  broke this into 3 sections:

  1. Cube Shape Names
  2. Back to Cube "algs"
  3. Scallop - Kite Method
The sections are in order in which Brandon taught them. Major props to him.

Shape Names: 






Getting to the Square:

Barrel, barrel / kite / square

shield, square / similar fist / kite / square*

barrel, kite / similar fist / square

muffin, square / similar fist / square

muffin, muffin / barrel / square

Similar pawn / similar fist / square
  • kick out adjacent edges
Opposite pawn / leaf, flower / scallop / barrel / kite / square

shield, kite / move U "L" back / shield, square case*

opposite fist / shield, kite
  • track 2 "L" shapes to match to make KITE
kite, square / opposite fist / shield, kite / shield, square / fist / square
Scallop-Kite Method

The whole gist of this method is to get every cubeshape into scallop, kite. 
To solve scallop, kite:
Line up scallop and kite in middle. (Kite pointing towards you)
When you line up like so, do /(-1, -2)/ kite / square
Now you have similar fist. Solve-

Examples of scallop kite:
scallop, fist / 2 lines to D / scallop, kite
  • take L and attach to scallop and make kite from line
scallop, muffin / line to D to form kite / scallop, kite
  • take line to and form kite on D
scallop, pawn / find line and "translate" to D / scallop, kite
  • see L on back D, make line, bring to D for kite

Hope this made sense. These notes are for me to understand. So if you're confused, just watch his video. Happy squaning!


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