One Alg Skewb Method using Sarah's Beginner's Variation

The algR' F R F' 
It's basically a sledgehammer on a skewb. To learn how to perform this fast, check out these videos.
1. Solve white side with correct edge pieces.
2. Solve yellow corners on opposite side. 
On Sarah's site, she has a different alg for both cases. But I believe it's possible to perform it with the same alg.*Note: Images from her site

(y') R' F R F'
For this one, it's the sledgehammer twice with a y rotation. Note that it's the same one from her site.
R' F R F' (y) R' F R F'
3. Solve yellow side
R' F R F' (y2) R' F R F' 

4. Solve unmatched centers
R' F R F' (y2) R' F R F'
For the next two, perform R' F R F' (y2) R' F R F' to match the previous image, then perform the alg again. Solved

Note in case unclear:
                                   Get these two                                                                to that!

Reminder that this is only a lil, probably already found out, branch off of Sarah's method. 
100% props to her. Check out her website:


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