Intro to Roux

I'm currently learning Roux and I do not know if I want to continue it and leave behind CFOP or stick with CFOP.
I'm learning from and finally understood LSE from his youtube tutorials. It took me a while to understand how to solve Ul and Ur, but read from (step 4b) and it all clicked.
I still have to read the algorithms for 2 Look CMLL, but I plan to memorize these.

The first few solves with Roux, the "x" notation confused me during the last step in 2 look CMLL, because it flipped the L and R face. I thought I lost my 2 2x2x3 blocks. (Update: I'm using newer 2 Look CMLL)

I currently still have a hard time with the last step, even though it's supposed to be easy, but transitioning from CFOP to Roux I'm used to blindly doing an algorithm and seeing the pieces I wanted to be where it needed to be. But Roux is much more intuitive which means I need to improve on understand the movement of pieces based on M and U moves. I need to learn the cube.

I'm scrolling through and checking if anything can help me fully understand.

Goal: sub 40 by the end of the year with Roux


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