First Cube Comp

2FTI San Diego - Dec 10 2016

Participated in my first cube competition ever yesterday
Goal for 3x3: ao5 sub 35 (didn't plan single sub whatever)

Turn out:
ao5: 35.19
(DNF) 36.27 33.74 (24.85) 35.55

First Solve: (
I was very nervous and my hands were shivering cold. Inspection wasn't used too well. Up until 2 look PLL I tried the U perm, but messed up, resulting in DNF
Great very first solve!!1

Second: (
Okay solve, but messed up F2L too many times, pretty slow cross. Nervousness resulted in slower time, but average. Sooo many rotations, it's nasty. Z perm done well, but still at the same bpm/tps would like to improve but not priority

Third: (
Nice judge, but good use of inspection time, but messed up on F2L once again. Had a hard time recognizing and looking ahead. Had to talk out loud to myself to get myself focused because I was thinking "oh wow this couldve been a WR, if I was good" Need more focus/mindfulness.

Fourth: (
Use of before inspection well used because I released my face muscle tensions which calmed me down as well as warmed up my hands during waiting. Had a youtuber judge lol. Don't know if this affected my solve time, but I got a PLL skip when did my own version of an A perm. TPS pretty slow as well as F2L.

Fifth: (
Inspection was not well used. Cube felt unstable while cross. F2L okay executed, but messed up blue/orange/white pair. Need to improve OCLL6 execution.

- Need to improve on F2L recognition
- learn look ahead (F2L)
- needs less rotations
- pretty good fastest time
- need more competition and familiarity with environment
- bpm practice


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