Ortega XLL Algs

So I'm gathering the algs I will be using for ortega. I don't care much about 2x2, but it would be cool to be sub 6 someday.

opp edges on both - x (R2 U2' R2)
I think of this almost like an equator flip for squan

bars on both - (R2 U') B2 U2 (R2 U') R2
how I fingertrick it R2 (x') F' U2 (x) U2' R2 U' R2'

opp edges on top, bar on bottom - (L D' L) F2' (L' D L')
* left ring finger for D move
*right ring finger for D' move

bar on top, opp edges on bottom - (R U' R) F2 (R' U R')
how I fingertrick it (R U' (x') R) D2' (R' (x) U R')

for a finished layer plus an opp edge or bar on either side, I just rotate to where I need to be and do a Y perm for opp edges, or J perm for bars.


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