
I wanted to make a written version of this speedsolving post from jskyler91

Cross to F2L

  • Memorize cross moves 
    • look ahead to first F2L pair instead of looking at the actual cross
  • Corner tracking
    • while doing cross, keep TRACK of a specific corner if one pops out to you
    • try to make on top (dependent of your cross moves)

2nd F2L pair to 4th F2L pair
  • While you're doing current pair, look to next
  • Never look ahead AS inserting, BUT look ahead during set up and insertion. Room for more opportunity

EO Concept 
- if the edge sticker is matching L/R centers it is oriented so NO rotations to insert
- if the edge sticker is non matching L/R centers it is NOT oriented, fix it and do a rotation to insert

J Perm


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