Intro to 3BLD

Lord have mercy on me...

Color scheme and lettering system:
Algs to know:
    T Perm - standard
    Jb Perm - standard
   Y Perm - standard... remember to set the set up
    Ja Perm - R' U2 R U R' U2 L U' R U L'
Ra Perm - (R U R' F') (R U2' R' U2') (R' F R U) (R U2' R') [U']
Edge swapping:
Set up move - Alg - Undo Set up move (unless on top face)
For top face edge swap: 
Use T perm for LR swap
Use Jb for FR swap
Use Ja for BR swap
Video showing this

Corner swapping:
Ja perm
Jb perm
Y perm
Video showing this


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