Back to CFOP - Cross Tips

After realizing I suck at Roux, I'm back on CFOP. I feel like I have more progress with CFOP, because with Roux it felt like I was trying too hard (I had the hardest time with blockbuilding), so I thought I could put this hardwork into learning more efficient ways to solve with CFOP.

I quit Roux during March when I went back to another comp, and got a better average than last time. 

I remember my F2L being really frickin' sloppy. Since then, I have been researching and deliberately practicing my way to improve. A video that opened my eyes was "The Mountain" by NoahCubes and a practice example video by Feliks. Right now, my PB single is 16.61 and ao5 is 22.21, but my current ao100 is just below 28 seconds. I want to begin averaging a consistent sub 25 soon. 

Trying to keep this hobby fun, I work at my own paste but when it comes to improvement, I tend to get really hard on myself. 

Currently I've been mainly working on new ways to solve the cross and F2L

Here are the highlighted "7 Tips For An Efficient Cross Every Solve" from J Perm's video

1. Ignore the center pieces

  • Solve the white (cross color) edge pieces without matching the centers
  • have to memorize color scheme and which colors coincide with which

2. The 3 move insert
  • self explanatory
  • done when 3 other cross pieces are solved with center pieces
  • almost a "plan b" incase other tips don't work

3. Use one piece to insert another piece
  • If there is a bad edge, then you can insert it using a good edge to match cross and move into cross correctly 
  • Plan A

4. Don't move the piece, move the cross
 Here we have all of the cross pieces to match the centers, but one (blue) is a bad edge. 
Instead of doing a 3 move insert to the center then adding it to the cross, 
Just move the cross over to create a one move insert, then match centers
(all pictures courtesy of J Perm)
Another example of this is using a solved edge with a bad edge, to "translate" it into the correct space
 Incorrect piece (red) on solved edge (blue)
 "Translate" it into correct space
5. Plan out full cross (maybe F2L pair) during inspection
  • Easier to do once doing efficient crosses
  • must do for better lookahead (like F2L pairing, but with cross)
6. Watch example solves
  • Experiment
  • practice
  • casual hand scrambles 
  • casual solves (with purpose not mindless)


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